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Name: Amanda Reichert
Location: United States

I am currently working on my Master's Thesis, but I procrastinate by reading all the books I can! In the meantime, I have a good job with fun people.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

First Lady

First Lady
By Susan Elizabeth Phillips

Just as I’m a sucker for princess stories, I’m a sucker for stories about the First Family. And this one was delightful! Okay, fluffy as anything but still, very cute. I liked the older sister and the couple they meet at the camp ground. I didn’t like how quickly the main character threw herself at the guy, not knowing anything about him. Yes, he seemed nice and all that and he was a good guy. But she didn’t know that, only the reader really knew that. I can understand (this might be backward but it’s my opinion so oh, well) her falling in love with him. But I can’t understand her sleeping with him so shortly after they meet. What if he hadn’t been a great guy? He could have made a bundle writing a tell-all!

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