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Name: Amanda Reichert
Location: United States

I am currently working on my Master's Thesis, but I procrastinate by reading all the books I can! In the meantime, I have a good job with fun people.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Marie Antoinette: The Journey

Marie Antoinette: The Journey
By Antonia Fraser

Wonderfully written. The author obviously loves her subject here and also has great respect for her. Understandable, as Marie Antoinette seems to be a fascinating persona. I cite the recent movie, but also the abundance of parties recently where the theme is Marie Antoinette. Now if the corsets would just come back into style because of the movie, I would be happy! (Full disclosure: I have not seen the movie yet, I like to read the books first. But I will soon, I hope) I really liked this book, which let us look at this flawed and interesting individual without romanticizing or vilifying her. Well balanced, doing it's bit to chip away at the fake stories that have sprung up about her ("Let them eat cake", anyone?)

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